The effects of rapid technological advancement I read an article on the Next Big Future about nanobots currently being used to treat a terminally ill leukemia patient. Without the DNA nanobot treatment, the patient would only be expected to live…
Being proactive lowers the risk of costly claims Step #1: Design with safety in mind The first and most important step for risk management is during the product design phase. During this phase you should take into account how your product…
Fallout from ongoing negative reports The dietary supplement industry’s gaffs continue to add up. I have written several blog posts about the dietary supplement industry and, unfortunately, nothing has been very positive. One of my first posts was about how testing…
Negligence in terms of product liability It took 42 deaths, 58 injuries, 2.7 million cars recalled and 13 years of errors and a cover-up before any definitive action, a product recall, was taken to prevent GM’s vehicles from killing more…
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